Okay, now I know you all chuckled just a little when you read the spring fair schedule and saw that laundry was the first topic. But the volume and variety of submissions proves what we hoped it would: women engaged in their work with a heart for service to the ones they love are in fact simply lovely.
Now before you read any further, where is your laundry? Do you need to start a load, switch a load, or fold a load? Do it now. Then come back. Don't let your laundry mock you while you read.
Well, we ladies certainly have different ways of looking at laundry, about as motley as the items we find inside our baskets on laundry day. Let's hang them on the line and have a look.
Well now, this sweet bonnet must belong to Mary, whose given us a fun lesson on the history of laundry and shared her appreciation for our modern laundry conveniences.
Now these sheets must belong to Elizabeth who shares how she's getting it all done when it comes to laundry, from her favorite linens to those pesky hampers of clothing.
And these wool socks must be Susan's. Wears 'em with her hiking boots. She's the adventurous type. Climbed Mount Laundrymanjaro last year. Wonder what she's planning on tackling next.
Oh, look. A rosary in the laundry basket. This must be Sarah's. She likes to say it while she hangs the laundry on warm spring days. She certainly has a sweet way of looking at things.
Oh, isn't this t-shirt lovely? Perfectly folded and a heart right in the center. Must be Lisa's. She admits her heart's in the laundry basket. She got that from her grandmother. Stick around to admire the lovely art, learn some great tips, and share a laugh too.
What a lovely yellow cardigan! It must be Dawn's, you know how she loves them. She too learned from her grandma how lovely laundry can be. Oops, she's left her list in her pocket! Well, she can pick it up when she stops by later.
Hey, is that your dryer buzzing? Go switch your loads. I'll wait for you. Oh, you're back! I found another list in the basket while you were gone. It belongs to Darcee. She's thinking at all through and putting it on paper over at her place.
Look at these sweet litle girl things! This must be Pam's. She likes washing for one at a time.
Oh, this hanger must belong to Barbara. She does her laundry in the closet after all! Sometimes all it takes to make a task lovely is thinking outside the box!
Even Maryan can be convinced of laundry's loveliness when she brings her favorite guys along on the date. This adorable hat must belong to her little companion.
Oh, cloth diapers! And a lot of them too. These have got to be Annie's. She's washing and hanging for two in diapers, you know! And finding the joy in it, even when her appliances are revolting. Well, she's safe at those drying racks anyhow.
Hhhm, look at all these socks! They're just the same. They must belong to Sarah. She's been thinking long and working hard on getting a handle on her family's laundry. She may join us soon. She loves a clothes line in the spring too.
What's that? This one smell like roses? It must belong to Jessica. She's got some great ideas for lightening your load. And a lighter laundry load is definitely a lovelier one!
And this one, smells just like the ocean. It's got to be Jennifer's. I sure wish I could sit with her at her folding table some time soon.
Well, we're at the bottom of our basket. What's that flashlight, you say? Oh, dear, that's mine. But I don't need it any more. I'm over my fear of the laundry monster in the closet.
My laundry basket? Oh, I saw it over at Matilda's place. Couldn't resist it. Isn't it just lovely. Check out the neat things she's found as she was making over her laundry room.
Looks like we're all done here. Would you like to come in for a cup of tea? You say you've got ironing to to do? Yeah, me too. Well, it was a simply lovely time. Thanks for joining me.