I wanted to come up with a meaningful handmade gift from us to my darling husband who lays down his life everyday so that we can all enjoy the lifestyle that we do. He is our leader, and he brings us along the path to holiness valiantly. He deserves something especially dear.
Now I sometimes wonder if I overdo the whole gifts-using-the-kids-handprints thing. For instance, Granny and Pops are getting painted stepping stones that contain "gardeny" objects created from each of the grandkid's handprints. I think they are just lovely, but I wonder at times if everyone else is just thinking, "Oh great, more fingerprint gifts!" But it occurred to me that Greg is as fond of those little hands as I am and he has never had a gift made from them. An idea was born.
This morning, I traced each of the boys hands on the folded edge of a colored manila folder, then cut it out.
This way they fold open to two hands, ten fingers. There is a note inscribed inside each one, and then the kids colored the other side.
I punched a hole through the stack of five hands and threaded them onto a keychain ring. There are ten fingers on each of five hands...a full five-decade rosary! I added a cross from a necklace of mine, a loop with three beads for the opening Hail Marys and Greg's favorite medal, a St. Benedict medal all to the loop. Now he count his rosary on those fifty little fingers he helped God create!
Sorry for the shadow, I couldn't get the camera close enough without its shadow in the way.
Now it doesn't exactly look like a roasry, and I'm not sure Daddy will figure it out on first glance, so I composed this little explanation and included it in the box:
This strange object is a rosary,
We know it’s hard to tell,
But if you look really closely,
You’ll see it works just swell.
The little cross you find on the ring
Is where your prayers will start,
Mom took it from her own necklace
A gift straight from her heart.
In a tight little circle
You’ll find three shiny beads,
They’re for the three “Hail Marys”
You pray for virtuous deeds.
Your favorite medal follows,
A marker as you go
On a walk with Jesus
And closer to Him grow.
When you say each decade,
You must count to ten.
It can be a little tricky,
Sometimes you miss and then…
So on this little ring you’ll find
Ten fingers from us each
So you can count as you pray
And as you pray you’ll teach…
You’ll teach us to be men of God
Who know His merciful love
And to put our trust in Him who gives
All good things from above.
You’ll teach us that a father’s prayer
is a gift all its own,
one we can give one day
when we are big and grown.
Fifty little fingers can seem
A lot to count,
But when you’re counting God’s holy way,
It’s just the right amount