We've made it to my sister's house in South Carolina. We drove twelve hours yesterday, arriving here just after midnight. The kids were remarkably easy-going for most of the car ride and the we had no major snags. Thank God and all of you who are praying for safe travel.
The lights of Atlanta late last night were one of my favorite parts of the drive. Big cities close up--not really my thing. But from afar, glowing in the night sky--pretty breathtaking really. They mesmerized Evan, who was snapped wide awake by them and then insisted I sing to him for the last two hours of the drive. I'm not sure the rest of the family loved it so much, but it was better than him screaming.
Greg has headed off to the nearby Table Rock State Park with our older boys and their cousin Peyton. I have spent the morning visiting with my sister Shannon and my nieces, while Evan has charmed everyone and Kolbe is currently napping on the chest of his godmother.
Tonight we are off to this restaurant my boys remember from our last visit that has HUGE pizzas and a trip to the planetarium at Roper Mountain Science Center, which is a fitting follow-up, since on of our audios on our ride was Jim Weiss' Galileo and the Stargazers.
Tomorrow we head on the Williamsburg. I'll update when we can.